Saturday, April 23, 2011

23/4, A stressful Saturday.

Dear Bloggie,

Hii, come for a simple post here.
Finally put down all the stress I had for morning.
What stress I have?
Today my school need to study due to a replacement of don't know what holiday.
And my school's BELOVED headmistress put some of the mid term's exam subject today.
BM writting and also BI writting.
Two writting subjects.
My school's headmistress put the exam at today because she don't want the students absent to school.
( Saturday normally students lazy to come school right? )
Nice arrangement.
Make all the students MUST attend to school for the IMPORTANT MID YEAR exam.
Wake up early in the morning, do all the housechores, and then have my breakfast.
After all that, I start doing revision of the subjects I will have today.
Is just like, OMG.
I keep memorize both subjects literature thingy.
I tell ya, that time my brain is gonna to EXPLODE.
For the BM subject, I memorized the one novel's characteristic, moral value and lessons.
For the BI subject,  I memorized THREE novels' characteristic, moral value, theme and lessons.
Wira Persona Avatari for BM, Form one's Flipping Fanstatic for BI, Form two's One is one and all alone and Rumplestiltskin.
Actually for the BI literature just will come out one of either three, but I missed class when Thursday, so I didn't hear about what my English teacher says about the exam things.
Quite a loss.
All thanks to ME.
Because I sicked, I missed lessons, I need to do DOUBLE WORK.
HMPH! >:(
During the exam, the questions for both papers were quite okayy.
Not too easy and also not too hard.
Medium high. :P
My mind can't stop popping out ideas for me to put inside my article, actually was a good thing, right?
Hope I can score good marks for my both subjects. :D
Now exam's over, feel like going for shopping and movies! :P
Ohh yeaa!
Almost forgot!
I need to start prepare myself for next week's competition.
The chinese essay competition.
Need to read more novels for essay's writting technique.
Aza-aza fighting for myself!
Okayy, that's all for today.

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