Today is a wonderful Sunday.
Hang out again!
My look. ♥
I went for movie with them! :P
Who was 'them'?
CM, YX, SX, RS, SJ and my dear. ♥
First of this year I went out with so many friends.
And boys too.
Ohh well.
I reached Jusco at 12:30++ p.m.
I text dear and he told me that they all were at the cinema.
So I went up.
Okayy, I saw them at the counter there.
Buying tickets.
Rio, 1:50p.m.
After they bought the tickets, they're busying discuss about the money thingy.
I don't know what's happening but the way they discuss were so funny.
Solved the money thingy, we went 'Food and Tea' to have drinks and snacks.
Two guys discuss another thingy at there, this time FOOD.
They confusing about what they want to order.
Haha, can't stop laughing at there.
See the way they talk, say jokes, really, I can't stand it.
Been through some 'struggles', they finally decided what they want to eat/drink.
It really takes some time though.
Well, since I haven't had my lunch, I ordered a Egg and Tomato Sandwiches for myself. :)
Yummy yummy! ♥
Oh my goshhh, I just love sandwiches. ♥
It tastes great also. :D
I didn't order a drink because I had to watch over my wallet.
If I order a drink, that will be too much for me.
Don't be greedy.
When I enjoy my meal, SX told me, "Erin, you no need to be so polite, be rude abit."
I never thought that SX will said something like that to me.
Hmm, I still follow my way! :P
CM and SX made laughter all the times.
They're so humorous.
After we finish our drinks and food, we're just in time for the movie!
And my dear's brother joining us too!
First time saw him.
A good looking boy.
In cinema number 2, again couple seat! :D
My dear and I. ♥
Actually I so shock that the guys were willing to watch Rio.
Because I think they will feel that Rio was so childish and end up by watching other movie.
Wow, unbelievable.
I wanted to watch Rio so much!
Finally, today. x)
The bird was so cute. :D
A bird that don't know how to fly.
The story was interesting.
When the middle of the movie, me and my dear holding hands again. ♥
This time not just finger, whole hand.
Oh my goshhhh.
I'm so bashful.
First time...
But, cannot don't admit that his hand gave me warm. ♥
The movie ends, and I quickly take out my hands.
Movie finished, we went down to the ground floor.
Then, me and dear walk together while the other five go other place.
The moment that dear and I walk together, actually is kinda .... how to say?
He keep on ask me, "Where to go?"
With the same answer, " I don't know."
Pity you my dear, the same answer you will get everytime.
After a round at the ground floor and a round at the first.
Our decision, join back the others.
Haha, nothing much to see at Jusco.
Joined back the group!
So, we went OldTown While Coffee to have a drink.
( A high consumption place again )
This time the guys made their order more faster than at F&T.
Have a hot honey lemon juice for myself!
With lemon slices on top.
Haha, the time of laughter again!
The guys keep complaint of the late serve of their bread.
What to say? There were so many people there!
Lunch + Tea time.
Guys chatting there, and me?
I don't know what they're saying about some topics, but I just listen.
So most of the times, I just keep quiet.
Ohh yeaa, sorry ya guys!
Maybe of my apperance make you all uneasy to talk about your problems and secrets to each other.
My apologies.
When the time going out from OldTown, I saw my primary teacher a.k.a my neighbour inside!
I wave to her.
After our tea break, my dear went home and me go to my mother side.
Done some shopping, my mother and I went to the Johnny Restaurant for some snacks.
Banana boat. ♥
BBQ Chicken wings. ♥
All the food that I had all was high in calories.
I soon will become fatter and fatter.
The food nice. :)
After that, my mother and I waited for my father and then went home.
Nice day I had today.
I did enjoy it.
Dear, thank you for today ya! :D
Really thanks a lot. ♥
Hmmm, that's all for today!
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ILY dear. ♥
Can't live without you. ♥
Hihi, just want to try whether I am able to drop comment in your blog.
Haha, finally can already huh? :P
Haha. Yaya.
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