Sunday, January 9, 2011

10/1 Anoreksia nervosa?

Dear Bloggie,

Hii :) It's been awhile I didn't update my little world of blogging.
Last Wednesday, we have our PJK (Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesihatan) class.
Because of raining, we didn't go to the padang for PJK.
So, our teacher teach us at class with the lesson of "Kesihatan Diri dan Keluarga".
About the kesihatan diri, it's say about the disease of unhealty diet.
Anoreksia nervosa and Bulimia nervosa.
The Anoreksia nervosa is the people who is hungry but don't like to eat.
Bulimia nervosa is the people who have the behavior of vomit out the things that just ate by dig throat.
I believe the Anoreksia nervosa is a common disease for the people who like to slim their body in fastest time.
But, have people would like to vomit out the things by digging their throat ? It was painful and doesn't feel uncomfortable.
Hmmmm.... This world really is full of many type of people huh ?
Tell you a secret, my bloggie.
I think I have the Anoreksia nervosa disease.
Shhh... I know that you will have a shock if I tell you this.
Be quiet and listen to me for awhile.
Just lend me few seconds !
The characteristics of a people who have Anoreksia nervosa :
  • Telalu bimbang dan takut akan kegemukan.(Too worry and fear of obesity)
  • Sentiasa merungut dan tidak puas hati tentang berat badannya.(Always complaining and unhappy about her weight.)
  • Sentiasa berasa rendah diri apabila berbual mengenai berat badan.(Always felt inferior when talking about weight.)
  • Benci pada makanan. (Hates food)
  • Gangguan kitaran haid. (Abnormal period)
  • Imej kendiri yang tiba-tiba berubah.(Self-image suddenly changed.)
I have 3/6 or 4/6 of those characteristics.
Heyyy , wait a second !
Can this prove that I don't have the Anoreksia nervosa?
The effects of unhealty diet.
  • Buah pinggang tidak dapat berfungsi dengan baik kerana kekurangan air dan kalsium untuk proses perkumuhan badan.(The kidneys unable to function properly due to lack of water and calcium excretion for the body.)
  • Gangguan pada denyutan jantung. (Disturbances in heart rate.)
  • Kandungan kalium dalam darah menjadi rendah dan menyebabkan denyutan nadi yang tidak konsisten dan berkemungkinan mati mengejut.(The content of potassium in the blood becomes low and causing the pulse that is not consistent and probably die suddenly.)
  • Kekurangan zat makanan menyebabkan kulit menjadi kering, rambut gugur dan tidak bermaya.(Nutrient deficiencies causes skin to become dry, hair falls and lifeless.)
  • Kandungan elektrolit badan tidak seimbang.(The body electrolytes content is not balanced.)
  • Mengalami masalah psikologi seperti perasaan rendah diri dan suka bersendirian.(Suffered psychological problems such as sense of inferiority and likes to be alone.)
  • Kekurangan rembesan estrogen.(Seepage of estrogen shortage.)
  • Mempercepatkan proses osteoporosis.(Accelerate the process of osteoporosis.)
  • Penghakisan lapisan epitelium pada kerongkong.(Erosion of epithelial layers of the throat.)
That was so scary!!!!
Especially the 3rd one, will probably die suddenly !!
*Sorry if my translate is uncorrect.*
There was no benefit of slim the way by not eating and dig throat method.
For this disease, I think the psychological problems is the main of causing it.
Yeaa, I understand those feeling about being a fat person.
Give people laugh about the body, can't wear pretty clothes and many......
Now I'm not fat anymore, but I still remember those feelings.
I SCARE to become as fat as my before.
I REALLY SCARE about it.
All because the psychological problems.
And also the sense of inferiority. :(
For the people who never be a fat person will not know our mind and thinking.
Sad. :(
Okayy, stay away of those sad things.
And now, for the GIRLS who want to loss their weight for wearing pretty clothes during Chinese New Year, here some tips.
  • Take Hi-Fibre foods.
  • Eat low calories foods.
  • Comply with the food table.
  • Eat about 3 to 4 times a day in a small amount to avoid being hungry.
  • Chew food slowly.
  • Stop eating before you feel full.
  • To a record for your development of body weight.
  • Affirmation of own and avoid unhealthy eating.

The Food pyramid that we learn on science text books.

Healthy diet food pyramid.

Another healthy diet and lifestyle food pyramid.

Images source : Google.

To the GIRLS who wanted to slim their body,
people must eat to live.
EXERCISE and have a ACTIVE LIFESTYLE will help keeping fit.
And remember, no SUPPER !
Gambateh for keep fit !


LuPorTi said...

A knowledgeable post. So, do eat, beauty is meaningless without having a good health.

зяιи yιyι ❤ said...

Thanks. :) Yeaa, people also eat to survive. Money can buy beauty but not health.

Mikhael said...

Cool blog! Great information there! Never forget however, physical appearance is just one part of living a good life.

What matters most comes from the person itself. Don't ever forget those values and just pursue the depths of modern society's trap.

:D Cheerio!