Hello, I bet many of you are sleeping now since tomorrow is a schooling day.
Well, for me, I'm not going to school tomorrow. I take another one day off to let my sick to be fully recover then Wednesday I will be going to school and also attend that after school co-curricular activity. T___T
Okayy, this is my first try of using my phone's Blogger App to blog. :3 Accidentally found this awesome app at Google playstore. You know, I'm quite lazy nowadays to blog, now there's an app for blogging that will be easier for me to blog maybe like before bedtime? I like to tweet/post a lot of statuses before bedtime I don't know why, and everytime I did, I'm using my phone. So this application comes out very handy. I like it so much!! I hope I won't face those posting errors , God please bless me.
So Blogger Erin is back on track!! I won't let my bloggie to be dusty and lonely anymore!! Teehee! Need to use my smart phone wisely or else I'm actually paying so much to buy an expensive clock.
CNY's getting closer, but my birthday will be closer. :P HAHAHA!!
Haven't fully prepare for CNY. Haven't clean up the house, haven't put up the decos (it's been years since we last did that), most important is I HAVEN'T FINISH TO SHOP FOR MY NEW YEAR CLOTHES YET. I still owe a bag, shoes, shirts, blabla and so on.. So I can't wait for doing the shopping! :3 But before that I think I need to finish the cleaning first. T___T
Looking forward to MY BIRTHDAY and also CNY. <3 I can't wait! I hope everything will be fine and alright throughout the process. <3
So goodnight and goodbye all my beloved ones, love ya all! ;) XOXO